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Inclusiveness and Diversity

Where Do We Go From Here? by Martin Luther King
By Mike Pulsifer
Posted: 2021-03-31T13:00:00Z

Each month Penn's Village Inclusiveness and Diversity Committee recommends several resources to help our members and friends to be more informed and aware, and perhaps even inspired to action, concerning the racial biases in each of us and in our society and the resulting inequities, past and present. These resources, assembled by Lori Dumas and Mike Pulsifer, will represent different mediums, different perspectives and experiences, and diverse authors.

April, 2021 

Book:Slavery By Another Name by Douglas Blackmon In his 2009 Pulitzer Prize winning book, Blackmon argues that slavery in the United States did not end with the Civil War, but instead persisted well into the 20th century. It documents the subjugation of predominately African American men through a convict lease system and sharecropping contracts. Several video presentations by Douglas Blackmon on this subject also can be accessed on YouTube by googling the title of his book.

Speech:Where Do We Go From Here? (An August 16,1967 address by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) On the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Dr. King delivered a speech describing the accomplishments of the civil rights movement and the need for more progress. He re-emphasized that these challenges must be mitigated non-violently. This speech which continues to be relevant today can be accessed on this link:

An Arts Event:Glory World presented by the nationally recognized dance ensemble Jade’s Hip Hop Academy. This 5:36 minute video can be accessed on this link: w 

Film:Malcom X This 1992 biographical movie stars Denzel Washington and Angela Bassett. It dramatizes key events in the life of the African American activist Malcom X from his criminal career, to his conversion to Islam, his re-evaluation of his views of whites, and his assassination in 1965. This film is available on HBO Max.

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